
British Parliamentary Debate Ballot

for the 19th FLTRP Cup National English Debate Competition






Comments and Reason for Decision:




1.       Team points must match ranks, i.e. 1st must have the most points, 4th must have the least points.

2.       Record your reason for your decision in the space above. Your comments here should focus on why you selected the winner

based on the arguments they made in the round. 


Speaker Point Guidelines(评分规则)

  • Matter relates to the issues addressed in the debate and the material used to substantiate argumentation.  Adjudicators should evaluate the quality of the issues identified by the debaters and the strength of the evidence offered to support the debater’s claims.

  • Manner refers to the presentation and delivery of a speaker.  Adjudicators should not assess debaters solely on their proficiency in English as a foreign language but should look beyond proficiency to evaluate presentational efforts.

  • Method refers to the strategy and tactics of the debaters.  Adjudicators should evaluate how the debaters organized their individual speeches and whether they addressed the most relevant issues in the round.  Adjudicators should also evaluate cooperation among team members to advance a consistent and coherent strategy.

Based on the above criteria, the guidelines below are intended to standardize adjudicators’ approaches to assigning Speaker Points to individual debaters.





